Again, I put this under "so simple it's stupid". Or maybe I'm just getting used to jewelry making. Who knows.
Anyway, with this project, I decided that, if I can't beat the clasp from sliding its way into the forefront, I might as well join it.

For this project, I got out: my pliers, my wire cutters, chain, barret/loop pair, small (but thick) jump rings, and a pendant.

After sizing up the chain (which ended up being the wrong size, but that's okay because everything ended up being wrong the first time around): I used the jump rings to attach the barrette and loop to their respective ends. I then used the jump ring that the pendant already had and attached it to the loop.
Simple? Simple enough. Should be at least.

As you can see, I decided in a heavier pendant. I also decided on smaller barret/loops. And I also shortened the chain. But, even with all the tweaks, this was still a super-simple project (and a super-cute necklace).
To keep clasps from sliding to the front of the neck, cut your chain in half and solder each cut end to one side of your focal piece. The weight of the focal piece will hold your pendant at the bottom of the neck, thus the clasp behind the head.