I don't know if I have been a great blogger or a shitty one.
On this blog, I've been terrible: I pride myself on doing at least one entry a week, maybe more, and I have been letting that fall by the wayside. I can't even blame it on not doing any more crafts: I have four finished projects just waiting to be written up, but the pictures stay on the camera and off this blog (two of those include upcycling various items into yoga bags. Hey, what can I say: you craft what inspires you and yoga is currently my main source of inspiration).
However, I've been making some great headway with my
365 Blog. I'm now less than 80 entries away from completing it. I can probably blame this project more than anything else; kind of hard to do a craft write-up when you're busy writing pseudo-essays every day! But I'm so happy I've kept up with it. It's been the driving force behind my essay writing: gone are the days when I think up an idea or craft an opinion and let it fall by the wayside. Since I have to write about something every single day, why not write about that? Those entries eventually become rough drafts, which become second and third drafts, which eventually get submitted to various websites.
Usually, these websites reject me. And sometimes, they don't. Primarily
Thought Catalog, where I've been a fairly consistent contributor for almost a year now.
Every once in a while, another website picks up on my stuff: you can check out my essay on redefining a morning practice on
Elephant Journal, my opinions on being "an un-noble yogi"
here at Rebelle Society (although -- prima donna writer moment -- I have to mention that the editors had final say on the title and the formatting of the essay in general for both of these essays).
You can also check out an essay about strength over skinny on
Literally Darling -- and keep an eye out for my Foolproof Guide to Planning a Wedding on that website next week.
And have you
bought my book yet? It's now available across the board on all digital formats: got a Nook? You can get it on the B&N website? Kindle? Amazon, baby. iPad or iPhone? iBooks! Got a smartphone? Android market! And don't forget Kobo, if the aforementioned websites don't suit you.
So, yeah, things have been a bit busy! Combine this with my yoga teacher training and finishing up my third manuscript (which is actually coming together -- I'm only two chapters away from completing!) and it's not hard to see why this blog has slowed to a standstill.
But I promise to make a better effort with this blog -- but if this blog keeps silent, at least you know I'm not dead ;)