Thursday, November 21, 2013

Super-Easy Guacamole

I have an obsession with avocados. And, much like bananas, I get some weird kick out of being able to purchase them in New England, no matter what time of year. Welcome to the modern age.

This right here is quite possibly the easiest guacamole recipe ever. You'll need:
hot sauce

Peel and pit about 2 or 3 ripe (or even slightly over-ripe) avocados. Peeling avocados is as simple as cutting them in half (and by "cutting them in half" I mean "sticking the knife in until you hit the pit and working your way around the pit), and either using your thumb to peel of the peel, or scooping it out with a spoon. Pitting them is as simple as sticking the knife into the pit and twisting it out.

Place them into a bowl and mush them up with a fork. When the consistency is that of a paste, add lime juice and hot sauce until you get your desired taste. I added a whole lime's worth of juice as well as a good two or three tablespoons of hot sauce, I also like my guacamole incredibly tangy and sharp.

And there you have it. Guacamole sans artificial coloring isn't much to look at, but it's delicious (and good for you, too!) When you're ready, you can try adding chopped up onions, jalapeƱos, cilantro, and/or tomatoes. You can even add a little Greek yogurt for a creamier taste.

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